
CORNET used to be brewed on oak barrels. The story leading up to this leads us back to the 18th century. Theodoor Cornet, then steward of Diepensteyn castle, was asked by the count of Steenhuffel/Maldeghem to brew a strong beer in the DEN HOORN brewery in Steenhuffel. The count only served CORNET to important guests on special occasions. Since then, the brewmasters of Brewery De Hoorn have been brewing a heavy blonde beer according to tradition, with a unique but subtle woody touch. The strong blond beer was named after the steward, Theodoor Cornet. The label of the bottle features Knight Salomon de Maldeghem as the ultimate tribute to his exceptional heroism and courtesy. Today, the oak barrels have been replaced by oak chips in the brewing process. The fresh wood gives the beer its unique vanilla taste. A full-bodied, warm taste that is characteristic of CORNET. Enjoy the exceptional taste together. The beer for Knights of Good Taste.
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