
"Once upon a most unusual island, two entrepreneurial spirits from two very old families decided to form a unique partnership. Together, they'd make a whiskey. But not just any whiskey- their triple distilled Irish whiskey would be one of dynasty and devilment, of rarity and refinement. Their idea was to craft an innova-tive Irish whiskey inspired by the island of Lambay, ancestral home of the Baring family, and fnished with the techniques and expertise of Maison Camus, ances-tral home of Cyril Camus. Lambay Island is a peculiar para-dise , a mere three miles off the coast of Dublin. Lambay, a veritable odyssey of oddities, is also home to a herd of grazing cattle, an improbability of puffins and an even more improbable troupe of red-necked wallabies. We've combined the centuries--old distilling expertise of Irish whiskey making with the century-old blen-ding and maturing expertise of Maison Camus to create this unique and unusual range of whiskeys."

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